The Fife Sports and Leisure Trust’s Board of Directors consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, 7 Independent Directors and 6 Partner Directors. They meet every quarter to ensure transparency and leadership across all key business areas.

The Trust has 5 Committees, each chaired by a nominated Convener, that consist of at least 3 directors representing diverse perspectives and expertise. Committees provide feedback and insights on performance, which enables the board to proactively address strategic objectives, challenges, and trends.

The Committees are responsible for regular reports on quarterly performance, updates on activity, and progress towards operational and financial targets. These reports are available for review by all directors, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Our Committees

  • Awareness, Health and Impact

    Awareness, Health and Impact

    Dedicated to fulfilling the charitable status, delivering corporate social responsibilities, improving awareness of services, seeking new opportunities, engaging customers, and enhancing service quality.

    It oversees media policies, marketing, health and wellbeing programmes, physical activity levels, partnership working, funding applications, and advocates for the Trust’s programmes and partnerships.