December 15, 2022

Charitable trust gives families the gift of swimming this Christmas

We are pleased to be offering families a free swim pass this Christmas to help youngsters stay active over the festive season.

We are gifting around 9,000 swim vouchers to families enrolled in its Learn to Swim or junior activity programmes that will entitle them to free swimming between Monday, December 27 to Sunday, January 8.

We recently confirmed that Carnegie Leisure Centre, Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy Leisure Centre and Michael Woods Leisure Centre, Glenrothes will stay open from Monday, December 27 to Thursday, December 30 inclusive.

Our other centres are set to close from Friday, December 23 to Monday, January 3, except for Duloch Leisure Centre which will be closed from Thursday, December 22 to Thursday, January 5.

Lee Cunningham, activities manager for Fife Sports and Leisure Trust, said:

“We wanted to say thank you to all the families have who supported the trust over the year and also give youngsters a chance to stay active and have fun over the Christmas holidays. We hope as many families as possible can take advantage of the offer.”

Click here to find out more about our festive offerings and opening times.

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