Leisure centre improves its star quality
Waterstone Crook Sports Centre is shining brighter this year thanks to an upgrade in its Visit Scotland rating from two to three stars.
Our Newport-on-Tay facility received the upgrade following a recent inspection by Visit Scotland.
The Visit Scotland inspector said; “I am delighted to confirm Waterstone Crook has achieved a three star award. In particular, staff did an exceptional job of demonstrating high standards of Hospitality & Friendliness together with excellent Service & Efficiency.”
Waterstone Crook is an important resource for the local community and has a long-standing relationship with a number of clubs in the area that use the facility on a regular basis.
Allan Reid, area leisure manager from Fife Sports and Leisure Trust said: “We are very pleased with the three star Visit Scotland rating. The facility benefited from investment at the beginning of the year which saw a new floor being laid in the sports hall giving customers a much improved playing surface. As a charitable trust, we rely on the support of customers so that we can reinvest profits back into facilities for the benefit of the local community.”