February 16, 2023

Trust gym team supporting people living with Parkinson’s

As a charitable trust, we are committed to making a difference to the local community and have a successful track record of helping people living with long-term conditions.

Most recently, one of our gym team at Michael Woods Sports and Leisure Centre, Clare Bowers, has been working with Mark, who has been living with Parkinson’s Disease for 10 years.

Mark is part of Fife Parkinson’s, the local branch of Parkinson’s UK, dedicated to helping those with the condition as well as their family and caregivers.

Mark has put his thoughts about his gym sessions into a poem and we wanted to share it:

Exercise is good for you
at least that’s what they say
Especially if your training’s done
The Clare Bowers, PT way.

For people who have Parkinson’s
Exercise is beneficial
It’s been confirmed by scientists
So, it really is official.

I started exercising
and going to the gym
But I needed motivation
More than I could find within.

So I found a Personal Trainer
And Clare Bowers is her name
Now I enjoy my PT sessions
Sometimes I’m almost glad I came.

But seriously, for a minute
Working with my PT has been great
Doing exercise won’t cure me
But I’ll be in a better state.

I’m really glad I work with Clare
She’s really changed my life
‘Cos now I’m hooked on exercise
And she also trains my wife.

If you have or you know someone with Parkinson’s, why not get in touch with the Parkinson’s UK Branch in Fife by emailing admin@fifeparkinsons.org

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